About FairPark II

About Fair Park II

What is FAIR PARK II? What is Parkinson’s Disease? What is iron chelation?

Who is involved in Fair Park II?


Who is involved? Who are the patients? Can I get involved?

Fair Park II Progress


Find out how we are getting on with the study through our regular updates


Recruitment for the FAIR PARK II study is now closed: The last patient has been enrolled on December 5th 2019


The FAIR-PARK II 6h annual meeting was held virtually on 22nd April 2021 

The FAIR-PARK II 5th annual meeting was held in Paris, France on 26th June 2019.

The FAIR-PARK II 4th annual meeting was held in Lisbon, Portugal on 15th and 16th June 2018.

The FAIR-PARK II 3rd annual meeting was held in Amsterdam, Netherlands on 26th and 27th June 2017.

The FAIR-PARK II 2nd annual meeting was held in Berlin, Germany on 23-24 June 2016.

The FAIR-PARK II kick-off meeting was held in Lille, France on 4-5 May 2015.

Recruitment for the FAIR PARK II study is now open: The first patient has been enrolled in Lille's hospital on February 9th 2016

The final list of European expert centres for the clinical trial is available since October 2015.

The final version of the protocol, as released by competent authorities and ethic national committees is available since january 2016


Patient Recruitment Countdown

16th December 2019

Patients to be recruited


Patients recruited


The recruitment is now closed




ECRIN Portraits low def 69
Amélie Michon

Amélie Michon has a PharmD and a master’s degree in clinical development and 10 year’s experience of clinical research. This includes seven years in the pharmaceutical Industry as a clinical project manager and then as regulatory affairs project manager and three years of experience as ECRIN European Correspondent for France.

Gianluca Trifiró
Gianluca Trifiró

Gianluca Trifiró is an MD with an MSc in clinical epidemiology, a post-graduation degree in clinical pharmacology and a PhD in pharmacoepidemiology. He is currently working as an assistant professor at both the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands and the University of Messina in Italy.

In recent years, his main research activities have focused on the scientific coordination and management of multicentre, national and international multi-database studies (i.e. EU-ADR, ARITMO, SAFEGUARD, MPI-AGE). These assessed post-marketing drug use and safety using multiple European electronic medical record databases.

He is a member of the Sicilian regional committee on biosimilar use, a member of the scientific secretariat of the pharmacovigilance office of the Italian Drug Agency, and an external consultant for the Italian College of General Practitioners focusing on the conduct of pharmacoepidemiology studies using the GP nationwide-database.

Since 2007, he is a referee for research grants funded by the European Commission (FP7 and Horizon 2020 program).

He has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications in international journals and is an editor and reviewer for several international journals in the area of pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology.



Pauline Guyon

Pauline Guyon is a project manager for Fair Park II. In this position, she is in charge of running the project in close collaboration with the coordinator (Prof David Devos) and oversees its implementation. She also provides advice and support to the members of the project and she leads the consortium with the assistance of colleagues at Inserm-Transfert. She previously worked for five years as legal counsel for the research activities of Lille University Hospital. During this period she gained clinical trial expertise in terms of writing and editing trial protocols through to the completion of clinical trials.

Dominique Deplanque is both a neurologist and professor of medical pharmacology at Lille 2 University and Lille University Hospital. For more than ten years he has been involved in the management of clinical research activities. Moreover he is head of the Clinical Investigation Center (CIC 1403 Inserm-Lille University Hospital), a center fully dedicated to clinical research. He is also head of the Clinical Research Federation, a structure that is managing all the clinical research projects sponsored by Lille University Hospital.

David Devos
David Devos

David Devos obtained his Doctor of Neurology and Doctor of Neuroscience degrees from the University of Lille, Lille, France. Between 2002 and 2010, he worked as a hospital physician in the Department of Neurology, University hospital of Lille, where he is now a Professor in Medical Pharmacology. He is coordinating the neurogenetic center of Lille (Spinocerebellar ataxia, spastic paraplegia, Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation). He is consultant and running research at the expert center of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) of Lille. He is co-coordinating the French network of PD (NS-Park-F-CRIN) and of ALS (ACT4ALS). His main research interests are preclinical and clinical studies of disease-modifying strategies in neurodegenerative disease and particularly PD and ALS for which he received several prices including the European Pharmacology Scientific Award EACPT. He participated in 30 studies including 14 multicenter trials and 14 as Coordinator (10 in progress), 4 European Commission funded projects (H2020) including 2 in neurosciences (iron, ferroptotic cell death), 1 large European clinical trial FAIRPARK-2 and 1 on diagnosis on Covid-19. He published about 200 publications. He obtained 6 patents leading to 3 industrial transfers for which he launched and cofounded 3 Start up (InBrain Pharma for Brain Infusion, InVenis Biotherapies for platelet-based biotherapies and CorDial-IT for diagnosis tools). 



Form 1

Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de compléter le questionnaire. Les premières données nous indiquent que vous présentez les principaux critères pour participer à cette étude. Nous vous proposons de prendre contact avec l’équipe médicale de l’étude la plus proche de votre domicile pour obtenir des informations complémentaires et discuter de votre potentielle participation à l’étude 


Ø  Centre Expert Parkinson - Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives, Hôpital Pellegrin, 33 000 Bordeaux

Contact : 05 57 82 14 62 / [email protected]


Ø  Hôpital Gabriel Montpied, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand

Contact : 04 73 75 49 91 / [email protected]


Ø  Centre Hospitalier Regional et Universitaire de Lille , 59000 Lille

Contact : 03 20 44 59 62 /  [email protected]


Ø  CHU de Lyon, 69677 Lyon

Contact :04 27 85 62 08 /  [email protected]


Ø  CHU de la Timone, 13385 Marseille

Contact :  04 91 38 43 33 [email protected]


Ø  Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpétrière, 75013 Paris

Contact :01  42 16 57 62,   [email protected]



Ø  CHU de Strasbourg, 67098 Strasbourg

Contact : +33 3 88 12 86 42/ [email protected]


Ø  Centre d'Investigation Clinique de l'Hôpital Purpan, 31000 Toulouse

Contact : [email protected]

Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de compléter le questionnaire. Les premières données nous indiquent que vous ne pouvez pas participer à cette étude. Le réseau national de recherche clinique dans la maladie de Parkinson (réseau NS-Park/ F-CRIN) mène d’autres essais cliniques, nous vous proposons de visiter les sites « NS-Park » et « Fox Trial Finder » pour avoir des informations sur les essais en cours dans le domaine. 

Form 2

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. The initial data you have provided shows that you meet the main criteria for taking part in this study, so we suggest you to contact the closest study medical team to get additional information and discuss about your potential participation:


 University Hospital, Cambridge, UK

Contact :[email protected]


 Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, UK

Contact : +44 (0)141 201 2590/ [email protected]


 Newcastle University, UK

Contact : 0044 191 208 1281/ [email protected]

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. This trial has very specific requirements in terms of who is suitable to take part, and unfortunately the initial data you have provided shows that we cannot include you in this study. However, there are a number of other clinical trials taking place that you may be suitable for and that might be of interest to you.


Please register with www.foxtrialfinder.com or visit www.cureparkinsons.org.uk or www.ParkinsonsMovement.com to find out about other trials that might be of interest to you.

Form 3

Danke, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, diesen Fragebogen auszufüllen. Die Angaben, die sie gemacht haben, zeigen, dass Sie die Hauptkriterien für die Teilnahme an dieser Studie erfüllen. Daher empfehlen wir, dass sie das nächste Studienzentrum kontaktieren um mehr Informationen zu erhalten und eine mögliche Teilnahme zu besprechen:


Ø  Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria.


Contact: 00 43 512 504 25810 (81553) / [email protected]

Danke, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, diesen Fragebogen auszufüllen. Die Angaben, die sie gemacht haben, zeigen, dass Sie nicht an dieser Studie teilnehmen können. Es werden andere Parkinson-Studien in Ihrer Gegend durchgeführt, an denen Sie vielleicht interessiert sind. Bitte besuchen Sie dazu die Webseite des „Fox Trial Finder“ um mehr darüber zu erfahren..

Form 4

Děkujeme, že jste si udělal/a čas na vyplnění tohoto dotazníku. Počáteční údaje, které jste poskytl/a, ukazují, že jste nesplnil/a hlavní kritéria pro účast v této studii. Je možné, že probíhají další klinické studie, které jsou pro Vás vhodné. Máte-li zájem o informace ohledně výzkumu, který probíhá v této oblasti, navštivte webové stránky "Fox trial Finder", nebo se zeptejte svého neurologa. 

Děkujeme, že jste si udělal/a čas na vyplnění tohoto dotazníku. Počáteční údaje, které jste poskytl/a, ukazují, že jste splnil/a hlavní kritéria pro účast v této studii. Doporučujeme Vám, abyste se obrátil/a na nejbližší studijní lékařský tým, kde můžete získat další informace ke své potenciální účasti:


Ø  Charles University, Praha, Czech Republic

          Contact : [email protected]

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Conservative iron chelation as a disease modifying strategy in Parkinson’s disease: a multicentric, parallel-group, placebo-controlled, randomised clinical trial of deferiprone

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Contact Us


Scientific Coordinator: Prof David Devos
Project Manager (CHRUL): Pauline Guyon [email protected]
Senior Project Manager (IT): Delphine Smagghe [email protected]
Project Manager (IT): Stephanie Le Naour [email protected]


Centre Hospitalier Regional et Universitaire de Lille (CHRUL), 2 avenue Oscar Lambret - 59037 Lille Cedex
Inserm-Transfert (IT), 7 rue de Watt - 75013 Paris, France


Paris Inserm Transfert

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